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Do I need Joint Replacement Surgery?

An Overview

Arthroplasty, or Joint Replacement, is a procedure that involves replacing a damaged joint with an artificial joint made of metal, ceramic, or plastic. In joint replacement surgery, only the damaged portion of the joint is replaced with artificial surfaces. It is similar to a joint resurfacing procedure where the worn out or the irregular surfaces of the joints are replaced by artificial surfaces that match the normal joint surface. The commonly performed Joint Replacement Surgeries are Knee replacement, hip replacement, and shoulder replacement, while the less commonly done wrist, ankle, metacarpal phalangeal joints, interphalangeal joints, metatarsal phalangeal joint replacements.

Why patients might need Joint Replacement Surgery?

When medical treatments fail to relieve joint pain and impairment, arthroplasty may be needed.

The following are some medical therapies for osteoarthritis that could be utilized before arthroplasty:

  • Pain medicines
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Limiting painful activities.
  • Assistive walking devices like a cane.
  • Cortisone injections into a knee joi
  • Visco-supplementation injections for better lubrication in the joint to make the movement of the joint less painful.
  • PRP injections or stencils injections.
  • Exercise and conditioning.
  • Weight loss for obese people


Which patients require arthroplasty or joint replacement surgery?

If a patient has the following symptoms, a surgeon may propose arthroplasty or joint replacement surgery:

  • Long-standing joint pain swelling with or without associated deformity.
  • Joint pain which is recurring and not relieved by physiotherapy, oral medication, walking assistive, rest, racing and injections.
  • Patients with joint stiffness and reduced mobility find it difficult or impossible to carry out their daily duties.
  • Persistent or long-standing Inflammation or swelling of joint that does not respond to drugs or lifestyle modifications.

Several of the following health conditions can cause the above-mentioned symptoms:

  • Avascular necrosis i.e. absence of blood supply to the bone.
  • Joint abnormalities like hip dysplasia,bow knee, knock knee
  • Age-related arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis.
  • Severe deforming Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Post fractures or injury leading to joint pain and swelling

Benefits of Arthroplasty or Joint Replacement Surgery

The following are some of the most sought-after advantages of joint replacement surgery:

  • Freedom from Pain: The primary objective of this sort of surgery is to alleviate chronic and agonizing pain.
  • Lowers the risk of chronic age-related or sedentary lifestyle-related health problems: Disability due to long-standing joint pain and swelling compels one to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of mobility, movement, and physical activity is associated with higher chances of the development of hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart failure, weakening of cardio-respiratory functions, and weakening of muscles bones, and joints.
  • Restores back patient’s movement and activity: Joint replacement allows patients to continue sports and hobbies they formerly enjoyed, such as riding, hiking, swimming, and golfing, before pain prevented them from doing so. As a result, the general quality of life improves.
  • Safer than ever: Joint replacement surgery is now both safer and more successful than it was previously. While there are still hazards connected with this surgery, technological developments have often resulted in excellent postoperative function than in the past.

Joint pain hampers the capacity to perform daily activities and makes the individual dependent on others. Individuals who choose arthroplasty, experience significantly improved quality of life. The healthcare professional may propose arthroplasty for various reasons. For more information, see the surgical methods for hip replacement and knee replacement.

At My Ortho Centre, patients are prepared for Joint Replacement Surgery or Arthroplasty as stated below:

Our doctor explains the operation step-by-step to the patients and discusses all their concerns or questions about it. We also make sure that patients are aware of the joint replacement surgery cost and are well-informed about it.

  • Our Joint replacement surgeon takes a complete medical history and performs a comprehensive physical study to confirm the suitability of the patient before undergoing the procedure. Patients may be subjected to blood testing and other diagnostic procedures.
  • Any medicine, anaesthetic agents (local and general), latex, tape, and other substances that the patient is sensitive to or allergic to must be known ahead of time.
  • All prescribed medications, as well as over-the-counter and herbal supplements, must be disclosed to the healthcare practitioner.
  • If individuals have a history of bleeding issues or are using aspirin, anticoagulant or blood-thinning medications, or other blood-clotting medications, the doctor should be fully informed. Patients may need to stop taking these medications before the operation.
  • The patient should inform the knee replacement doctor if she is pregnant or suspects she is.
  • Before the procedure, the patient may be given a sedative to assist them to relax.
  • After the patient is discharged from the hospital, he/she may require help around the house for a week or two.


A Note from My Ortho Centre:

The patients who have had joint replacement surgery have regained their normal active lifestyle. At My Ortho Centre, detailed discussions with patients are encouraged in order to provide them with the greatest quality therapy and patient care for orthopedic ailments and procedures and thus making us one of the Best Hospital for Joint Replacement Surgery. We also use the most cutting-edge technologies and modern solutions for the newest joint replacement surgery to provide patients with a pain-free option.

The Best Joint Replacement Surgeon may require additional preparation depending on the medical condition. Prior to surgery, the patient may consult with a physical therapist to explore rehabilitation options and allow the patients to believe that they are undergoing the most affordable joint replacement surgery.