Shoulder Pain

Shoulder joint is made up of humeral head, a globe like upper portion of arm bone and glenoid, and a socket like structure of shoulder blade. These bony structures are surrounded by capsule, ligaments, tendons and muscle which provide stability and movement of the joint. Your shoulder joint proper functioning allows you to move your arm in all the directions. Shoulder pain may be because of many reasons including injury, infection, tumor, anomaly and arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a common cause of shoulder pain. It is a degenerative disease where cartilage, a covering of joint is damaged on worn away. When cartilage is damaged or worn out, the two ends of bone abrade against each other causing pain. It becomes difficult to move arm for overhead activities, lifting objects or simply reaching out for something. One may also feel pain at night. Early diagnosis and treatment can do wonders and prevent progression of disease.

Rotator cuff Arthropathy
Rotator cuff is formed by a group of muscles and tendons that surrounds your shoulder joint. Rotator cuff helps in providing mobility and stability to the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff arthropathy is the end stage of any disease of rotator cuff.
In rotator cuff arthropathy cartilage as well as the tendon is damaged or worn out.
This causes pain and moving arm becomes difficult.
Rotator cuff arthropathy is a chronic condition that does not heal or improve by itself. Without proper treatment the condition worsens, the shoulder becomes more weak painful and less useful.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain, swelling of the joint. Its symptoms can come and go, and their intensity is different for each person. Multiple joint involvements are common. This can make individual cripple if timely diagnosis and treatment is not done.

Subacromial bursitis
It is an inflammation and swelling of fluid filled bursa located between the head of humerus (upper end of arm bone) and the acromian (outward projecting bone of shoulder blade). Out of many some of the common reasons for the development of subacromial impingement are past injury, chronic repetitive stress involving excessive use of shoulder joint, any abnormal bony or soft tissue growth. Even daily activities such as hair combing, getting dressed or any other activity which require upward movement of arm become painful.

Tendinitis is inflammation of tendon. Tendon is a cord like structure connecting muscle to bone. Tendonitis can occur due to injury or diseases. It can develop slowly over time in people involved in repetitive overhead activities. In some people it can develop acutely due to excessive activities like ball throwing or badminton.

Tendon Tear
Tendon tear is a common cause of pain and disability. A rotator cuff tendon tear weakens your shoulder. Daily activities like combing of hair or getting dressed may become difficult. Most tear occurs in the portion of supraspinatous muscle and tendon. Supraspinatous muscle helps in initial elevation of arm. Injury and degeneration are the two main cause of tendon tear. People who do repetitive lifting or overhead activities are also at risk for rotator cuff tendon tear.

There could be other causes of shoulder pain moreover presentation of a disease varies among patients. It is advisable to consult your doctor immediately for early diagnosis and treatment.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain you may consult Dr. Mohit Madan MS, FJR, MCh Ortho. Dr Mohit Madan is one of the best shoulder specialists having vast experience of treating shoulder problems.

Dr. Mohit Madan - Senior Consultant Orthopedics

Dr. Mohit Madan

MBBS, MS Ortho, FJRA, MCh. Ortho

  • Fellowship in Computer Navigated Joint Replacement
  • Fellowship in Minimal Invasive
  • Joint Surgery & Arthroscopy (Denmark, Spain, Mumbai), ATLS (USA), SRA/SR (AIIMS, New Delhi)
  • Consultant Minimal Invasive Joint Surgery & Arthroscopy